Up to 1,000 flight, hotel and vacation deals are also listed on ShermansTravel.com, where you'll find objective hand-picked travel deals screened from hundreds of providers and in-depth editor reviews of top travel deals; additional resources like Travel Search, our price comparison tool that allows you to find the best price from multiple air and hotel providers at once; and comprehensive destination travel guides and advice (Top 10 lists, Spotlight articles, and more) with relevant editor-screened travel deals to help you book your next trip. No matter what stage you are at in your travel planning, our combined travel offerings aim to save you time and money.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Shermans Travel For The Holidays
Up to 1,000 flight, hotel and vacation deals are also listed on ShermansTravel.com, where you'll find objective hand-picked travel deals screened from hundreds of providers and in-depth editor reviews of top travel deals; additional resources like Travel Search, our price comparison tool that allows you to find the best price from multiple air and hotel providers at once; and comprehensive destination travel guides and advice (Top 10 lists, Spotlight articles, and more) with relevant editor-screened travel deals to help you book your next trip. No matter what stage you are at in your travel planning, our combined travel offerings aim to save you time and money.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Ringling Brothers And Barnum And Bailey Fully Charged
I am very excited that I got to take my boys to see Fully Charged at the DCU Center in Worcester! They had never seen Ringling Bros and I knew they would love it!!
Don't miss Fully ChargedSM, the all-new surge of circus entertainment from Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey® where megawatts of thrills explode off of the arena floor with breathtaking dare-devilry, superhuman stunts and never-before-seen performances that energize Children Of All Ages!
The most electrifying edition ever ofRingling Bros.® celebrates 'performance power' that boosts circus-goers' excitement. The amazing acts, which can only be seen at The Greatest Show On Earth®, include Tabayara, a dynamic animal trainer whose rare ability to communicate with animals allows him to ride rearing stallions at a fully-charged gallop and orchestrate majestic four-ton Asian elephants in a symphony of dance. When he stands inside a cage, eye to eye with 12 ferocious tigers, Tabayara sees family where others see danger.
The fearless Fernandez Brothers dial up the thrills as they perform daring feats of athleticism on the Twin Turbines of Steel, including extreme jumps and twists inside the moving wheels! Audiences will crackle with excitement as they watch Guillermo perform a 360-degree, flying-forward somersault, three stories in the air, a feat so difficult it has only been attempted by one other person in the 141-year history of Ringling Bros.
Descending from the legendary dynasty of Ghengis Khan, the Mongolian strongman duo of The Titanic Tulga and Mighty Meetal, demonstrate a herculean display of human dexterity and strength as they lift large, cumbersome telephone poles, which weigh up to half a ton, and twirl them above their heads while acrobats balance atop.
The Human Fuse, Brian Miser, sets the arena sky ablaze as he rockets through the air from his self-made human crossbow. Don't blink as he flashes across the sky in less than a second, and travels 80 feet at 65 miles per hour.
Ever wonder how many clowns it takes to change a light bulb? The hilarious hoopla continues to flow as the clowns from the world-famous Ringling Bros.® Clown Alley, charge up the audiences' funny bones with hysterical silly antics and clownish comedy.
You can only experience this current of excitement at Ringling Bros. Fully Charged! Get your tickets for high-voltage fun today!
We had such a great time. Take a look at all the fun!! We were even able to see the animals before the show!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Brandi Chastain With Libby's Event #LibbysSnackDuty
This past Saturday, we were invited to attend a terrific event.
Libby's donated $5000 to the Rhode Island Youth Soccer Association and they had Brandi Chastain present the check!!
Brandi was extremely friendly. She was taking pictures with the kids, and answering any and all questions.
We had a blast watching her showing the kids how to dribble, do a run over stop, and even kick at their parents!! lol
The soccer fields had many different age groups playing all at once, and Brandi spent equal amount of time at each group. Ben Sr, the kids and I had a blast watching not only Brandi show the kids things, but actually watch their games as well.
Libby's had a great booth set up where they were giving out fruit cups to all the kids. Of course my boys loved that!!
The boys wolfed down two cups each!!!
I video taped the presentation. It was a very heart warming presentation!!
This post is written by Sarah Coulsey. She is a Wife, and Mother of two boys living in New England.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Travel Alaska - Free Alaska Travel Guide
This Great Land is full of wonders. But it would take a lifetime to explore them all! So let us help you get started, with page after page of beautiful photographs and official Alaska travel information including great deals! This is a great freebie for teaching kids about Alaska and finding great travel deals on trip to a gorgeous part of our country!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Libby's Fruit Cup Review And Meet Brandi Chastain Event #LibbysSnackDuty
Libby's products, the choice of generations, are the nation's third largest brand. With over 60 different products and sizes - from 8 oz. Whole Kernel Sweet Corn and 6 oz. Diced Peaches to 108 oz. Cut Green Beans and 23 oz. Fruit Medley - Libby's offers among the industry's most complete line of canned fruits and vegetables. Since canned sealed-in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are just as good for you as fresh-picked, make Libby's part of a delicious and healthy diet for you and your family.
This is shocking, but when you ask my boys if they want candy or fruit, they actually answer fruit!!
I am so glad that they choose healthy foods now. With the obesity rate so high, and health problems because of it at a scary level, I want my kids to make good choices.
Recently Libby's sent me some of their delicious fruit cups for the boys to try.
Doug got a hold of one and ate it in about two minutes flat! He loved it and wanted more!!
Besides the fact that these fruit cups have 100% of your daily Vitamin C, I am in love with how secure they are. With a hard plastic container, metal rim, and a thick plastic cover, these are kid friendly cups!!!
I usually do not send Ben to school with a fruit cup for a snack because they break easily. With the Libby's fruit cups, I am sure that his snack will be secure until snack time!!!
Libby's is also an extremely generous company. I am excited to attend an event tomorrow where soccer star Brandi Chastain will give a check for $5000 to the North Providence Youth Soccer Association!!
Ben Sr and I both played soccer in school (we were both goalies) and Ben Jr now plays!!
Libby’s and Brandi Chastain to host soccer clinic with North Providence recreational soccer league youths to promote healthy snacking and active lifestyle
WHO: Soccer star Brandi Chastain, Libby’s Fruits & Vegetables, North Providence Mayor Charles A. Lombardi and the North Providence Youth Soccer Association.
WHAT & WHY: This fall, Libby’s Fruits & Vegetables will introduce its Snack Duty Takeover program that highlights the importance of children living healthy and active lifestyles.
Olympic soccer star Brandi Chastain will host a clinic for recreational soccer leagueNorth Providence Youth Soccer Association (NPYSA) to support the brand’s individually packaged snacking sensation, Libby’s Single Fruit Cups®.
During the event Chastain will present a $5,000 donation to NPYSA on behalf of Libby’s Single Fruit Cups®.
WHEN: Saturday, September 29, 2012
Clinic Start Time: 8:30 a.m.
Media Call Time: 10:00 a.m.
Donation Presentation: 10:30 a.m.
§ Interviews with soccer star Brandi Chastain
§ Interviews with North Providence Mayor Charles A. Lombardi
§ Interviews with league representative
§ Interviews with Libby’s Fruits & Vegetables representative
§ Photo opp. with Brandi Chastain and youth soccer league members
WHERE:Dr E. A. Ricci School and Athletic Complex
51 Intervale Avenue
North Providence, RI 02911
Here are some great tips. Thank you Brandi.
Brandi’s Kid Friendly Tips for Healthy Living:
Hydrate to perform great. Kids should drink water before, during AND after exercise. While exercise generates heat and increases the body’s core temperature, water works to bring body temperature back to the normal 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Let your child pick out a colorful water bottle to make drinking water fun!
Always make time for healthy meals. The USDA says that half our plates should be filled with colorful fruits and veggies, but when your children are constantly running from school to practice and back, it can be tough to get them to eat that perfect meal. Add Libby’s® Single Fruit Cups, which contain one complete serving of fruit, to your children’s bags for an easy and nutritious snack.
Sleep is important! Children should receive an average of eight hours of sleep each night. Without enough sleep children get cranky and lazy, and will not perform to their full potential during school, practice or games. Help your children stick to a regular sleep schedule by making bedtime fun – read them a story or sing a song while they fall asleep.
Turn exercise into a family affair. When exercising is a solo act, it can sometimes feel like a chore. Bring the whole family on-board and make exercising fun, family time! Join your kids in a game of soccer, Double Dutch or kickball.
Lead by example. When you set a good example, your kids are more likely to follow. Although it’s easy to stop at the drive-thru on the way home from practice, make an effort to eat well and live a healthy lifestyle. Become a role model by exercising regularly and eating healthy foods, like Libby’s Canned Fruits and Vegetables, with your children. It’s easier when you make it a team effort!
If you can make it to North Providence tomorrow, it would be great to see you there!!!
**All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post. I was given the above items for this review**
This post is written by Sarah Coulsey. She is a Wife, and Mother of two boys living in New England.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Driving To Florida With Two Kids Project Last Day
Well here we are at the end of our journey. There was not a whole lot to report this day.
We obviously made it home!!! Usually getting over the George Washington Bridge in NY can take anywhere from an hour to 10 hours (yes we have sat there that long!!) but we were lucky and this trip only took us about an hour. That is a record for us with the GW.
Oh and for those of you on the east coast, we have whats called the EZ Pass. It is a device that lets you get through the tolls without stopping. It is soooo worth getting for long trips, and if you ever go over the GW. It actually saves you either $2 or $3 in tolls getting over that bridge!!!
We made it home that day around 5pm. Not too shabby!!!!
I can't say thank you enough to our wonderful sponsors- Pirate Brands,Starbucks, Aldi's and Sonic!! You made the trip extra special!!
**All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I am not compensated for taking this trip. I do have some companies that have donated products to help make the trip more fun!!**
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Atlantic Luggage For All Your Travel Needs
Since 1919, Atlantic® Luggage has prided itself on crafting affordable, value-added and lightweight luggage that goes the distance. Today, we offer a full range of branded travel luggage — from handsome collections of high-capacity rolling uprights and quality spinners, to stylish garment bags, totes, hardsides, duffels and business cases.
Atlantic® Luggage engineering teams have designed rugged fabrics and durability into each and every piece of luggage. Built with smooth gliding inline-style skate wheels, tough, honeycomb frames and interiors with plenty of organizing options, Atlantic® Luggage is stress-free and lightweight travel at its best. We ensure that all of our products are backed by a superior manufactured warranty as well.
So whether traveling for business or pleasure, make your next journey more fun and enjoyable with Atlantic® Luggage — now part of the Travelpro International, Inc. family of brands.
Atlantic Luggage offers affordable, durable and lightweight luggage for all types of travelers. Now that there is four of us, we need to have the extra room for all the clothes. One suitcase doesn't cut it anymore!! Their collections include a variety of styles and sizes with something for everyone. With the boys getting older, I can now make them start to lug their own suitcases!!!
Are you traveling this summer?? Heading to Florida?? Legoland Florida has a new waterpark with wave pool, tube slides and body slides. Families can also imagine, design, and build a unique LEGO vessel and set it afloat on the 1,000ft lazy river. These virtual rides are a lot of fun. We play around with them when we head to Disney Quest!!

If you are in need of new luggage, check out Atlantic Luggage and all of their great designs.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Have You Entered The 12 Weeks Of Summer Giveaway Yet?
We are excited about our second annual 12 Weeks of Summer Family Vacation Give Away! We have once again lined up some great trips for you to win this year. Win vacation packages to San Francisco, Zion Utah, Cancun Mexico, Pennsylvania, Galveston Island, Colorado and more! Destinations are still being added so return to our site often to see what's new. We also have added hundreds of giveaways to local attractions.
Register to win a summer family vacation. This summer USFamilyGuide.com has created a promotion that celebrates the family vacation by giving away 12 incredible trips for families looking to create their own memories. They have hand picked some of the most memorable destinations their families have experienced and asked them to provide a FREE vacation to award to perhaps YOU!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Driving To Florida With Two Kids Project- Getting Prepared!!
It's hard to believe that we start our adventure next week!!! Ben Sr is still waiting for confirmation from work if he can have Friday off. If he can, we leave Thursday. If not, then Friday!!!
We are busy packing our bags, and buying the items that we will need for the trip. I don't want to bring too much, but I also don't want to forget anything (all though I always do!!)
We will officially be gone at least 10 days (maybe 11) and I am trying to decide how many clothes to bring. I don't mind doing laundry one day, but I don't want to do it the whole time we are there!!!
How many clothes do you pack when you travel for more then a week?
I would like to give a big thank you to Pirate Brands, Starbucks, Aldi's and Sonic for adding to the fun of this trip!!
**All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I am not compensated for taking this trip. I do have some companies that have donated products to help make the trip more fun!!**
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Roadtrip-a-Matic- For Planning A Trip To PA

In this day and age, where there are electronic devices everywhere, it's hard to pick what you really need. I can still remember the days when Ben and I would travel with an Atlas of the USA, or those horrible fold up maps you can get from convienence stores. I still have not been able to get one back together again.
We now have a GPS unit. It does help quite a bit, but if you loose signal, you are in a world of trouble. I always loose signal in Boston and New York. Two places that are extremely hard to navigate through!!
With Roadtrip-a-Matic, you can now plan out your trip to all the hot spots in PA to visit. Your roadtrips will never be the same!!
Ben and I have drivin twice to PA to visit Hershey Park!! We went once by ourselves (before kids) and once with the kids. They loved it!!
If you are planning a trip to visit Pennsylvania, check out Roadtrip-a-matic before you go, and plan everything from hotels, to restaurants to even gas stations!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Discount Hotels To Save You Money For Travel Plans

Discounthotels.com was created in January 1996 with the goal of providing the best pricing and personalized service to help customers maximize their travel dollars when they book a hotel online. We work hard to consistently achieve and surpass this goal. We prove this to our customers every day, as we are currently a primary provider of value priced hotel offerings with more than 65,000 discount hotels, condo-hotels, upscale hotels, vacation homes, spa/golf resorts and all-inclusive resorts worldwide. And for those looking for even more of a bargain we offer a special Hotel Deals section that lists amazing hotel deals that we have negotiated with our providers in top-selling destinations.
More than just hotels!
Not only do we offer hotel accommodations, but we also offer great deals on Flights, Cruises, Vacation Packages, and Rental Cars that get you to and around your vacation destination. We offer customers special rate airfares and car rentals from thousands of leading suppliers, not to mention special-rate vacation packages to save customers even more when they travel.
Surprise-free travel.
We make sure you know exactly what your stay will be like by providing you with a surplus of information about every one of the hotels that we list. We have photos, star ratings, maps and unbiased customer reviews of hotels to give you the ability to make an informed decision and reserve the room that best suits your preferences.
We're here when you need us and here when you don't.
We provide experienced, knowledgeable customer care services, toll-free (866-540-4762), that offer customers professional assistance when they need it.
Our family of companies
DiscountHotels.com is a member of the Discount Hotels Inc. family of online and offline travel brands. Discount Hotels Inc. offers competitively priced airfares, hotel rooms, car rentals, cruises and vacation packages through its portfolio of travel brands, which also includes CheapSeats.com.
Discount Hotels Inc. is headquartered in New York, New York
Check out all the great places you can book through Discount Hotels.
Here are some of my favorite places!!!
Who doesn't love the beach??

Isn't Maui beautiful!!! You can get some great Hotel Reservations!!

In case you didn't know, Disney World is our favorite go to place!! Perfect for families of all shapes and sizes!! Book your next Family Vacation today!!
Ben and I really want to hit California next year, and San Diego is one of our stops. We can hit Sea World while we are there!!

Check out Discount Hotels and find that perfect vacation for you. They even have some great Cheap Vacation Packages for any budget.

Check out Discount Hotels and find that perfect vacation for you. They even have some great Cheap Vacation Packages for any budget.
Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

Friday, May 4, 2012
Day Two In NYC For #TheAvengersEvent (Part 5)
In case you haven't been watching TV, reading the papers, magazines or my blog, or you have just been away on Mars, this is the opening weekend of Marvels The Avengers!!!
Last Saturday, I got the pleasure of interviewing Tom Hiddleston (Loki) and Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill) It was a huge deal for me. How often to you ever get to sit in a room with celebrities??
We interviewed them at the beautiful Trump Soho Hotel. Check out the views from the suites we were in.
I was very impressed with these views, but I was even more impressed with this one!!
Yes you see it correctly. That is Mr. Robert Downey Jr!!!! He was staying at the hotel. I saw him come in when we first arrived, and then as we were leaving, he was too!! He was so close, I could have reached out and touched him!! Of course I wouldn't. I am a professional!!! (LOL)
Oh, and we did have an interesting first. We got the pleasure of seeing a topless photographer. I have to admit, she must have gotten some pretty good shots. Who wouldn't be looking. All though everyone who did had a "What the?" face!!!
Then we were off to the red carpet.
We were brought inside, and got to see some of the celebrities arrive. I love these pictures below. They not only show the actor celebrities, but they show our everyday hero's!! The cast of the movie actually dedicated it to all of the responders of 9/11. I thought that made the movie extra special.
Now what did I think of the movie?? I will sum it up in two words.... IT ROCKED!!!!
I love all the super hero movies, but this one topped them all!!! There was action and a ton of humor. I spent most of my time watching the movie laughing!!!
The characters all worked so well together (even when in the movie they weren't supposed to be!!)
I especially liked what they did with the Hulk. Usually when he is the big green monster, he doesn't have a lot of control. In this movie, he does much better. He actually made a couple of jokes!!!
Now there was one thing in the movie that really ticked me off. I don't want to spoil anything, (I know I am annoying) but this one scene was not needed, and actually made me yell "NO!!" when it happened. Because I am taking my family tomorrow to see the movie, and I know some of you haven't had a chance to see it yet, I am not going to ruin it for you, but I hope you see what scene I am talking about, and are just as angry as I am.
Other then that one scene, I absolutely loved the movie, and I highly recommend it (and I am not just saying that!!)
Don't forget, the movie opened today. I hope you all get a chance to see it, and please let me know what you think!!!
**All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post. I was given an all expense paid trip to see the movie in New York, thanks to Disney**
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